15-ch Isolated (Wet, 3.5~50 VDC) DI Module using DCON and Modbus Protocols (Gray Cover) (RoHS)
4-ch Isolated (Wet, 4~30 VDC) DI and 5-ch Power Relay Module using DCON and Modbus Protocols (Gray Cover) (RoHS)
RS-485 I/O Module with 14-channel Isolated Digital Input with 16-bit Counters and LED, DCON Protocol
8-ch Signal Relay Module using DCON and Modbus Protocols (Gray Cover) (RoHS)
8-ch Signal Relay (4x Form A and 4x Form C) Module using DCON and Modbus Protocols (Gray Cover) (RoHS)
4-ch Isolated (Wet, 4~30 VDC) DI and 4-ch Signal Relay Module using DCON Protocol (Blue Cover) (RoHS)
8-ch Isolated (Wet, 10~80 VAC/±15~±80 VDC) DI Module with LED Display using DCON Protocol (Blue Cover) (RoHS)
7-ch Non-isolated (Dry) DI and 8-ch Non-isolated (Sink, NPN) DO Module with LED Display, using DCON and Modbus Protocols (Gray Cover) (RoHS)
14-ch Isolated (Wet, 19~30 VDC) DI Module using DCON and Modbus Protocols (Gray Cover) (RoHS)
16-ch Non-isolated (Dry) DI Module with LED Display using DCON Protocol (Blue Cover) (RoHS)
8-ch Isolated (Wet, 80~250 VAC/±100~±250 VDC) DI Module with LED Display using DCON Protocol (Blue Cover) (RoHS)
4-ch Isolated (Wet) DI and 8-ch Isolated (Sink, NPN) DO Module with LED Display using DCON Protocol (Blue Cover) (RoHS)