Module I-7060D

Module I-7060D Agrandir l'image

Module I-7060D

Module E/S RS-485, 4 Entrées Digitales Isolées et 4 Sorties Relais Avec Compteur 16-bit et LED, Protocole DCON

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The 7060 series provides 4 digital input channels, 2 Form A and 2 Form C signal relay output channels, while the M-7060P provides 4 digital input channels, 2 Form A and 2 Form C power relay output channels. All digital input channels can be used as 16-bit counters. In addition, the digital input channels can be selected either as sink- or source-type via wire connections. The “D” versions of the 7060 series provide eight LED indicators that can be used to monitor the status of the digital input and relay output. The “M” versions of the 7060 series support both the Modbus RTU and DCON protocols, which can be configured via software. There are also options for configuring power-on and safe values. 4 kV ESD protection and 3750 VDC intra-module isolation are also provided to enhance noise protection capabilities in industrial environments. The 7060 series is the ideal solution for small signal switching applications, while the M-7060P is the perfect solution for high power applications.


Série I-7000
Type Sortie Relais Puissance
Interface RS-485
Protocole Série
Port(s) RS-485 1
Entrée(s) Digitale(s) 4
Sortie(s) Relais 4
Impédance d'Entrée 3K ohms
Pouvoir De Coupure 0.6 A@125 VAC
2 A@30 VDC
Protection contre les surtensions 500 V
Temps de marche 3 mS
Temps d'arrêt 2 mS
Niveau Digital +1 V Max.
+4 to 30 V
Alimentation 10 ~ 30 VDC
Consommation 1.9 W
Température de fonctionnement -25 ~ 75°C
Fixation Mûrale
Boîtier Plastique
RoHS Oui