Module M-7045D-NPN

M-7045D-NPN Module Agrandir l'image

Module M-7045D-NPN

16 Sorties Digitales Isolées Open Collector Avec LED

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All modules in the 7045 series offer 16 digital output channels, each of which features Photocouple isolation. The I-7045(D)/M-7045(D) supports sourcetype output, while the I-7045(D)-NPN/M-7045(D)-NPN supports sink-type, and both are equipped with short circuit protection. There are options to enable both power-on and safe values, and 16 LED indicators that can be used to monitor the status of the digital output channels. 4 kV ESD protection, 4 kV EFT protection, 3 kV surge protection for power input and 3750 VDC Intra-module isolation are standard. The M-7045(D)/M-7075(D)-NPN has the same hardware specifications as the I-7045(D)/I-7045(D)-NPN, but provides additional support for the Modbus RTU protocol as well as the DCON protocol.


Série M-7000
Type Sortie Digitale DC
Interface RS-485
Protocole Modbus RTU
Port(s) RS-485 1
Sortie(s) Digitale(s) 16
Type de Sortie Open Collector (NPN)
Tension d'Isolation 3750 VDC
Tension Des Sorties +3.5 ~ +50 V
Courant de Charge Maximum 700 mA
Protection Contre les Courts-Circuits Oui
Alimentation 10 ~ 30 VDC
Consommation 1.2 W
Température de fonctionnement -25 ~ 75°C
Fixation Mûrale
Boîtier Plastique
RoHS Oui