Module I-7088D

Module I-7088D Agrandir l'image

Module I-7088D

Module E/S RS-485, 8 Entrées Compteur Haute Vitesse et 8 Sorties PWM Avec Afficheur LED, Protocole DCON

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The I-7088 provides 8-channel PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Output and 8-channel Counter Input, and can be used to develop powerful and cost-effective analog control systems. PWM is a powerful technique for controlling analog circuits that uses the Digital Output to generate a waveform with a variable duty cycle and frequency which can then be used to control an analog circuit in applications such as controlling the position or speed of motors, the brightness of lamps, or the speed of fans, etc. Either burst mode or continuous mode can be used for the PWM output depending on the application. In addition, all Digital Input channels can be used as high-speed counters with a speed of up to 1 MHz. The M-7088 supports both the Modbus RTU and the DCON protocols, which can be configured via software, and all hardware specifications are the same as the I-7088. The I-7088(D)/S and M-7088(D)/S allows the load voltage to be increased from +3.5 to +50 V for the 8-channels PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output and the 8-channels high-speed counter.


Série I-7000
Type Entrée Compteur et Fréquence
Interface RS-485
Protocole Série
Port(s) RS-485 1
Entrée(s) Digitale(s) 8
Type d'Entrée Sink, Isolée
Sortie(s) Digitale(s) 8
Type de Sortie TTL, Isolée
Afficheur LED Oui
Tension ON +2.4V~+5V
Tension OFF +1V Max.
Décompte Maximum 32-bit
Fréquence Max. 1MHz
Batterie virtuelle de back up Oui
Alimentation 10 ~ 30 VDC
Consommation 2.4 W
Température de fonctionnement -25 ~ 75°C
Fixation Mûrale
Boîtier Plastique
RoHS Oui