Module I-7016P

Module I-7016P Agrandir l'image

Module I-7016P

Module E/S RS-485, 1 Entrée Jauge (6 fils), Protocole DCON

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The “P” version of the I-7016 module is another milestone in the development of the I-7016 series, and is a testament to excellence by the R&D team at ICP DAS. The I-7016P is specifically designed for long-distance strain gauge measurement, and provides 1 Digital Input channel as a 50 Hz event counter and 4 Digital Output channels that can act as high or low alarms. The I-7016P also features 3000 VDC intra-module isolation.


Série I-7000
Type Entrée Analogique Jauge de Contrainte
Interface RS-485
Protocole Série
Résolution 16-bit
Port(s) RS-485 1
Entrée(s) Analogique(s) 1
Entrée(s) Digitale(s) 1
Sortie(s) Analogique(s) 1
Sortie(s) Digitale(s) 4
Taux d'échantillonnage (Total) 10Hz
Tension et Courant des Entrées +/-150mV
Protection Contre les Surtensions +/-5V
Afficheur LED Non
Sonde Jauge 6 Fils
Input Linear Scaling Oui
Alimentation 10 ~ 30 VDC
Consommation 2.4 W
Température de fonctionnement -25 ~ 75°C
Fixation Mûrale
Boîtier Plastique
RoHS Oui